Thursday, August 14, 2008

According to the Associated Press, Black Embarrassment (ahem) I mean Entertainment Television is finally releasing something that isn't gonna have us cringing with embrassment...a weekly news program. The show is called "The Truth with Jeff Johnson" and is said to be somewhat of a hybrid of Keith Olbermann and Bill Maher - from a black perspective. The show is scheduled to air on Fridays at 11pm (sigh)...and will premiere on August 15th.
I sat next to Jeff Johnson at an event I attended a few weeks ago and he seems like a really cool brotha (with beautiful dreads btw) who really cares about the state of black people - so I'm really pulling for him on this one. From what he said, the network executives at BET have said that no matter what the ratings are they're going to keep this show on the's to hoping they keep their word. Make sure you tune in so they don't have a reason to cancel it after all.
Click on Jeff's picture to go to the full article.