Friday, August 07, 2009


This weeks Black in the Dayz movie is one blaxploitation movie that I have yet to see. "Abby" was said to have been a black version of "The Exorcist" but judging from it's description, I beg to differ. I'll have to check it out and come back and report on it sometime. Below is the synopsis.

Abby tells the story of a young, church-going housewife who is possessed by an erotically charged Nigerian sex demon, accidentally set free of its African confines by her archaeologist father-in-law. Possessed by the renegade spirit, Abby goes on a hell bent spree of destruction and wanton sexual behavior, all to the shock of her minister husband. When Abby's father-in-law returns from Africa to exorcise the demon inside her, all hell breaks loose as a local discotheque is turned into the ultimate battleground of good versus evil as Abby's family fights to save her soul from eternal damnation!