I get what she's saying and look forward to her pin pointing everything she deems unacceptable after the movie is released next Friday. In the meantime, you can check out the upcoming edition of Hip Hop Weekly where Kim tells them how she really feels about the upcoming film and her relationship with Faith and Biggie's mom Voletta. Check out a few excerpts below.
What are your thoughts on the Biggie movie?
I want the world to be clear; I have NOTHING to do with that movie. That movie is Faith and Ms. Wallace’s story. Most of the story is bullshit especially the way my character is being depicted. There are a lot of lies in the movie. I had no idea it was even going into production, until one day I got a call from my manager at the time, Lance “Un” Riviera, and he said ” Yo! You know they casted this girl Naturi [Naughton] to play you in the Biggie movie,” I was outraged. I was upset, because to me, to do an autobiography about someone’s life, you want it to be as authentic as possible. I was not involved in the movie. They never came and asked me anything about Biggie, but again this was Faith and Ms. Wallace’s movie.
What are some of the discrepancies with the movie?
There were so many. They were disrespecting me terrible in that script but the one that sticks out to me was in a scene allegedly when Ms. Wallace came to see one of Biggie’s shows for the first time and I was supposed to be so mad at him about something that I pulled my panties off on stage and mooned the crowd with my p—-. What the f—?! Come on, don’t you think that would’ve been in the history archives? They’re using Lil Kim to sensationalize their bulls— lying’-a– story. That was the last version of the script I saw, which somebody had snuck to me, ’cause people didn’t want me to see it.
DRAMA! Can't wait to see how this one turns out.